A manifesto for your beautiful heart.
We are the artists, philosophers, innovators, and healers of the world (even if it’s not our day job).
We think, feel, dream, ache, and connect deeply.
We know the feeling of not belonging.
We strive to remember goodness even in our darkest times.
We believe in magic and embrace synchronicity.
Our heart remembers this truth, even when the mind forgets, that “fine” is not what we came here to experience.
We are not here to be ordinary.
We are not here to fit into a small and tidy box.
We are here to be moved.
We are here to learn what it means to inhabit this human body on this wild and magic planet we call home.
We are here to leave the world a little brighter than we found it.
We are here to serve in our own way our planet and all beings who live here.
We are here to do real, good work by using our true gifts to make a difference.
Light. The luminous energy that stimulates sight and makes things visible.
Open-heartedness. The open expression of warmth and kindness.
Creativity. Transcending traditional ideas, rules, and patterns to create meaningful new things or ideas.
Truth. Acting and speaking with honesty and integrity.
Introspection. A reflective looking inward.
Philanthropy. Active effort to promote the welfare of people and the world.
We seek alignment between our hearts and actions, goals and dreams.
We act with gentle strength and tender power.
We are guided by our belief in the human spirit.
We move light on our feet but without all the rushing.
We believe in being moved and understand that this includes the majesty and misery of life.
We allow the space for our breath to be taken away.
We are amazed at how much the heart can hold.
We hold deep respect for the magic of Mother Earth.
We are drawn to the deep and profound.
We look for the meaning in our experiences.
We crave wisdom.
We believe in quality over quantity, resonance over reach, and connection over popularity.
We stand in the gap between what we see and what we know in our hearts could be and move ever-forward.
We strive to do the work that will make a difference on whatever scale is accessible to us.
We remember to do the work that fills our hearts.
We serve our people while respecting our own health and well-being in the process.
We flow between action and stillness.
We recognize contemplation and incubation as necessary ingredients for authentic expansion.
We strive for excellence, not perfection.
We follow the fun and indulge in curiosity.
Stepping ever soft,
leave a breadcrumb trail of light
leading you back home.
Want to join us? Restore the love and light with these free welcome gifts:
a ritual for receiving
A daily ritual for peace, love, and clarity.
2-minute revitalizing meditation
a little moment for peace and love