As far as I can see, there’s been nothing wrong with me.
But all this time, I thought I was broken.
All this time, I feared what I might find inside.
All this time, I saw myself as unsafe.
And all this time, I wondered why I hadn’t fixed it yet.
As far as I can see, those old stories don’t need to define me.
As far as I can see, there’s so much beauty left in me.
As far as I can see, I see only possibilities.
As far as I can see, I am a miracle.
And as far as I can see, so is this life of mine.
All this time, I thought I’d be better off another way,
when all this time, I was exactly who I was meant to be.
All this time, I couldn’t wait until the day that I arrived,
and all this time, I only needed to be recognized by me.
And as far as I can see, I am no different from anybody else.
All this time, I’ve been waiting to be loved,
but as far as I can see, it was my own love that I’ve been waiting for.
As far as I can see, it will be me who comes along and saves the day.
As far as I can see, it will be me who restores this heart to peace.
And as far as I can see, it will be me who finally sets me free.
As far as I can see, there’s nothing here to fix,
only hope as I heal the ghosts that follow me.
Only courage from now until the day I’ve left the last story behind.
Only trust as I clear away the walls I built when I thought I was bad.
And only love as I mend the hurting in my loyal heart.
As far as I can see today, I have only thanks to give.
So, to my past, I say thank you for it all.
And to my present, I say thank you for it all.
And to my future, I say thank you for it all.
And to this life, I say thank you for it all.
As far as I can see, we’re all in this together,
each of us on a path of our own making,
each of us with our own past that we’ve been shaking.
Each of us, looking for those who walk beside us
as we find our way to the place where we are truly free.
So, let us love today.
Let us believe today.
Let us trust today.
If we must cry, then we will cry today,
and let us come back and thank today.
This is life, as far as I can see.
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