It’s July! I’m back from my June break, refueled, enthused, and bursting with things to share. I have to admit, though, I put off writing this because I felt like I needed something more profound to tell you than “I had a nice break, rested, and wrote a lot.” As if it’s not enough to just allow yourself some time to breathe.
But that’s exactly how it went. So far this summer, we’ve celebrated 4 birthdays, had visitors, eaten homemade strawberry shortcake, gotten sunburned sun-kissed at the pool, and stayed up too late playing Mario Kart on Friday nights. And it’s only July!
I guess if I did have a life-changing message to share today, it would be this: flow with the seasons, let it be easy, and be loyal to yourself through it all.
Whether you’re seeking peace, passion, joy, or rejuvenation, the first step is always to begin with your own love.
Those were the reasons I gave myself a June break and my biggest takeaways from it. It’s a lesson I’m learning over and over in my life.
The other big takeaway is so much happen when you let yourself feel good!
Last winter, I had an idea for a short guidebook. It incubated for a few months, and by May I felt ready to put it on paper. I played with outlines and wrote several stream of conscious pages on it. Then, when the time came to shape it into something readable, I froze.
I felt equal parts excitement and overwhelm. I wanted so much for this book, and for me, this can end in pressure. The funny thing is, this is a book about self-love. I can teach people about self-love all day long, but left to my own devices, I’ll still try to brute-force my way through crafting something beautiful.
(And this is exactly why I practice self-compassion.)
I lived by the steps in my book for the last few weeks and saw first-hand that you have a choice in how your life feels and what your story’s about. 6 weeks ago, my story was about staring at the same blinking cursor of doom for the rest of my life. Right now, it’s about the power of your own loving intentions.
Permission to slow down and feel good while writing was all I needed for the words to flow again. The book will be ready in a few weeks, maybe more, and I can’t wait to share it with you!
I wanted to give you overview of what’s inside the book and ask you 3 quick questions.
First, the cover:
Then, the overview.
The book is broken down into 5 intentions, each with simple steps to practice and questions for reflection. The intentions are:
Loyalty: Seeing and treating yourself like someone worth caring about.
Loving Interest: Showing up and paying attention–without the judgment.
Caring Communication: Speaking to yourself with love and encouragement.
Heartfelt Action: Acting from the heart and taking the most loving steps available.
Dedication: Bringing the love again and again, come what may.
And now, my questions for you:
I envision this book as a guidebook for your journey to your own love and want to include a free reader experience diving deeper into common questions about having your back. I’m not sure what form it will take yet. I’m allowing it to unfold as it will.
That’s where my questions for you come in.
What are your burning questions and deep desires related to self-love or any of the intentions I listed above?
What (if anything) are you currently working on in your personal development?
How would you prefer to experience bonus book content: email course, audio download, short video, PDF ebook, printable worksheets, or something else?
(And also, I’d love to hear how your summer’s going!)
If you have a moment, let me know your thoughts in this Google survey.
With my deepest gratitude as always,
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