I remember how warm his hand felt wrapped around mine. How safe it made me feel as we crossed the Dublin streets. I remember the way we laughed until we cried as the piano solo began. Front row, center, we tried to hold it in but only laughed harder. I remember the joy and innocence…
how to have your back
I know pain’s inevitable, but still…where’s the love?
What does it mean to love your life? Like, actively love it. I’m talking about love, the verb. As in to hold dear, to cherish, to thrive in. (You know, loving.) Speaking for myself, it’s easy to look for the feeling of love without the doing of love. I find myself thinking, I’m waiting…where’s my passion? My excitement? Why aren’t I loving this? …
Let it all drop 🍃
Once, I was a falcon, or at least I tried to be. Fast and focused, I was quick to act, quick to think, never a moment wasted. I wanted to fly the farthest and be the most ruthless. I carried with me always a sense of urgency, as if to say, “Look how much I…