Standing on the corner of a busy city street, a quarter caught his eye. He bent to pick it up as people rushed past.
“Drums!” he exclaimed as he turned the quarter over and found a drummer boy standing in the eagle’s place. He pressed the quarter into his palm and smiled at a passerby.
All day, the quarter clinked against his keys and a few other coins. He touched his hand to his pocket and remembered the sound of a drumline. He hadn’t thought about those days in years.
That night, he placed the quarter in the box on his nightstand, and on the paper folded inside, he added a new line:
Wednesday, April 10, 2019, quarter found on the corner of 2nd street. Drums!
He admired the treasures in his box, each a gift from life hidden in the ordinary. Each a tiny piece of himself. A sprig of eucalyptus, an iridescent black feather, a teaspoon. They whispered of the things he’d seen and the places he’d been.
He picked up a button, red with black spots. A ladybug. And he remembered a story his mother told him once. “You tried to fill your pockets with ladybugs on that walk,” she’d said. “They crawled up your back and down your legs. You were absolutely covered in them!”
He laughed and thought maybe he’s always wanted to touch the life around him, in whatever small way he can.
And you, Dear One? Where do you feel the life around you most? What treasures tell the story of your time here?
To the love that sustains you,
Fill your heart with peace and love with this free gift.
2-Minute Revitalizing Meditation: A little moment for peace and love.
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