Right now, you have access to an unlimited supply of peace. The kind of joyful, steady peace you can dip your toes into on a hot summer day. In this moment, you can have the fresh air of freedom, like opening all the windows and letting the light pour in. Whenever you want, you…
Stories For Your Beautiful Heart
Rise Up, Free as a Bird
Last week, I asked our community what we’re practicing. Here’s a glimpse of what you said: Gentleness. Finding peace within so I can approach challenges (a person, a situation, a fear) from a positive place. Not being so hard on myself. Learning that my path is my path is my path. Today: Gratitude. Pausing and…
I’m Happy to Report That Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect
It’s been almost 15 years since I first “got into” inner peace, self-loving, and creativity, but I’m just now getting what that really means. Over the years, I’ve practiced journaling, yoga, and meditation (and mindfulness and gratitude and optimism and self-compassion). I’ve read every kind of self-help book I could find, from positive psychology to…
In the dark, it can look like we’ve lost our way. Still, I have to believe.
Today’s my birthday and the June solstice! It’s the first day of summer and the longest day of the year (and for my southern hemisphere friends, tomorrow the daylight grows again). Today, we honor our connection to the universe and to each other, and today, I’m reflecting on all that we share as a human family….
Touch Down and Find the Ground Again (+ book details!)
Last week was active. I released my book into the world (updates in just a moment), welcomed new members to our community following this post on Tiny Buddha, and had the honor of hearing so many stories and insights. Now that the activity has settled and the big projects are finished, it’s time to touch down and find the ground…
You are hope. You are your own home. You are LIGHT.
After all this time making herself disappear, she performed the miracle of bringing herself back to life. These are the words I’ve learned for myself, some the rock-bottom hard way, and the words I wrote down in a book I named, There, I Might Find Peace. They’re the words of transformation from darkness to light, hurting…
How to Find and Follow Your Calling
The day I gave up the search for who I ought to be and waiting for the world to say what should become of me was the day I looked with my heart, and what I saw was me. That day I listened with my heart, and what I heard was me. It was then…
On Twists and Turns and Dreaming (And a New Book!)
There’s something about this time of year that’s positively electric. Maybe it’s the dreams of summer vacation that I never grew out of (thank goodness) or that summer is birthday season or watching the college students I work with put on their graduation gowns like wings and take flight. Whatever it is, I wouldn’t trade…
What Makes a Person Whole
There was a time when it felt like having flaws or struggles somehow made me less than, and I spent all my time trying to hide those parts of me. I longed desperately to be known but avoided being really seen. Unsurprisingly, this did not lead to the authentic connection I craved – with myself…
3 Grounding Questions to Recalibrate and Recharge
As the calendar shifts into May, I’m craving time to pause and recalibrate. The last few weeks were full to say the least. There were the usual stresses that come with work, homework, and colds sweeping through the family, but also so much good. Like exciting ideas, a family wedding, and wrapping up the first…