After all this time making herself disappear, she performed the miracle of bringing herself back to life. These are the words I’ve learned for myself, some the rock-bottom hard way, and the words I wrote down in a book I named, There, I Might Find Peace. They’re the words of transformation from darkness to light, hurting…
How to Find and Follow Your Calling
The day I gave up the search for who I ought to be and waiting for the world to say what should become of me was the day I looked with my heart, and what I saw was me. That day I listened with my heart, and what I heard was me. It was then…
On Twists and Turns and Dreaming (And a New Book!)
There’s something about this time of year that’s positively electric. Maybe it’s the dreams of summer vacation that I never grew out of (thank goodness) or that summer is birthday season or watching the college students I work with put on their graduation gowns like wings and take flight. Whatever it is, I wouldn’t trade…
Love & Blessings for Mother Earth
Earth Day is almost here! I’ve waited a lifetime to write this post. (Let me explain…) Since I was a little girl, I wanted to help people and the planet. I studied the birds in the backyard, I had heart-to-hearts with the cats, and I dreamed of writing books that inspired change. Today, I’m the…
How Breakthroughs Happen
About three months ago, something kind of amazing happened. It was a breakthrough, really. For three months, I’ve thought about that moment just about every day, and just about every day, I find new meaning in it. For three months, I’ve also thought about telling you the story of that breakthrough but could never decide…
How Big Things Begin
When you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders and wondering whether you have anything to offer, do not underestimate the power of one. When you’re a thousand miles from where you long to be and feel lost before you’ve started, do not doubt the impact of moving an inch. And when you’re…
Shine On
I see the flame in you. Do you? Even if you tried to hold it in, it would escape through your gleaming eye and moonbeam laughter. Glowing inside out, from top of head to tips of toes, you are radiant and brighten this universe. So shine on. Others may choose not to see or…
A Poem to Stoke Your Fire
When a spark discovers you, do not flee or hide. Scoop it up with loving hands, and dare bring it inside Be generous and give it space. It needs the room to grow. Let the fledgling flame ignite, and encourage it to glow. It will erupt in wild blaze the more courageously you tend. Pay…
Expanding into Space
dancing on the wind may each gust lift me higher expanding into space Shine like the radiant being you are. Get the free Ritual for Receiving to invite more peace, love, and light into life.
A Verse for Waking Up
Awake, fresh eyes crack. It hurts for just a second as dawn’s light washes me. Lost easy in the bigger world beyond the walking sleep. Crumpled wings unfurl, patched along the breaks. Golden heart taps a beat for my gentle, lilting step. That’s blossoming, they say. Morning coaxes me back home; still, felt like night…