For a long time, it was always something. Something wrong. Something missing. Something ugly. Something to change, fix, stop, be, do. It was a never-ending disappearing act. After a while, I didn’t know what I liked much less who I was. It was a journey built on baby steps, but slowly, surely, I performed…
“let me lead the way,” her heart whispered. “I know where we’re going.” Tune in to the whispers of your heart with a ritual for receiving. It’s a daily ritual for love and light, clarity and confidence, meaning and connection. And it’s my free gift to you.
Shine On
I see the flame in you. Do you? Even if you tried to hold it in, it would escape through your gleaming eye and moonbeam laughter. Glowing inside out, from top of head to tips of toes, you are radiant and brighten this universe. So shine on. Others may choose not to see or…
If I Had One Wish, It Would Be This
If I had one wish for you today, it would be this: May today bring you openness. It is through openness that we remember what is so easily forgotten, like the sound of our heart’s song, the taste of our knowing, and the feeling of our very essence buzzing beneath our skin. And I…
A Poem to Stoke Your Fire
When a spark discovers you, do not flee or hide. Scoop it up with loving hands, and dare bring it inside Be generous and give it space. It needs the room to grow. Let the fledgling flame ignite, and encourage it to glow. It will erupt in wild blaze the more courageously you tend. Pay…
Light Leads You Home
stepping ever soft leave a breadcrumb trail of light leading you back home What if we could move through the world with more lightness? Letting go of all the force and walking our unique path with more ease. What if with each step we could leave the world a little brighter than we…
Expanding into Space
dancing on the wind may each gust lift me higher expanding into space Shine like the radiant being you are. Get the free Ritual for Receiving to invite more peace, love, and light into life.
A Verse for Waking Up
Awake, fresh eyes crack. It hurts for just a second as dawn’s light washes me. Lost easy in the bigger world beyond the walking sleep. Crumpled wings unfurl, patched along the breaks. Golden heart taps a beat for my gentle, lilting step. That’s blossoming, they say. Morning coaxes me back home; still, felt like night…