On the eve of the new year, he stood on his balcony, leaning over just enough to feel it arrive. The promise and forgiveness of the night embraced him. He pictured the aches and worries of the last 12 months scatter in the winter wind and fly away. Only their lessons remained.
He listened to the air. Electric. Party-goers down the hall cheered. A couple kissed two balconies down and held their glasses in a toast to the stars.
The world always looked new on this night. New but familiar. Seeing her this way reminded him of his youth when every day held such possibility.
He checked his watch. Only another minute or two.
Someone set off fire crackers in the parking lot below. He watched them laugh and spin through the sparks.
“Happy New Year,” he called down to them. They turned their smiling faces up to him and called back, “And to you!”
A hush fell over the celebration surrounding him. Then, “Ten…nine…eight…seven…six…”
He shouted into the night, “Thank you! I’m ready!” and joined in, “…Five…four…three…two…one. Happy New Year!”
Happy New Year, dear friend!
There are many days I love, but this has got to be one of my favorites. It’s so full of gratitude, insight, and wide-open possibility. Let’s wrap up our year together that way, with thanks for where we’ve been and excitement for where we’ve yet to travel.
First, thank you for joining me on my journey and inviting me to join you in yours. You have made this a wonderful year of growing and giving! Through the warmth of your support, you’ve helped books and stories come to life and helped me raise more money than I could have on my own for the Love and Blessings for all Beings fundraiser. It felt so good to send off donations to Doctors without Borders, Rainforest Alliance, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited children. Thank you, truly.
What are you grateful for this year?
This has been a year of discovery for me. It seems each day, I’m uncovering something in me that I didn’t know was there. Yet, when I find it, it makes perfect sense.
This has also been a year of remembering. In every stuck place I’ve been, the way through has always been the same: getting quiet, coming back inside, and aligning with loving-kindness.
It’s the coming inside and getting quiet that’s been most important for me lately. I’m learning to remember not to force a solution to life’s questions and challenges but instead to allow clarity to arrive in its own perfect timing through my open presence.
I do this through meditation and freewriting, but each of us is different. If you don’t already have a contemplative or grounding practice of some kind, I encourage you to connect with yourself in some small way as consistently as make sense for you and your life circumstances.
How do you hear yourself most clearly? And what insights have you received?
Wide-open possibility.
Through my freewriting practice over the last several weeks, the phrase “a great change is upon you” keeps coming up. I don’t know what it will entail, but I sense that the details are inconsequential right now. It’s the inspiration and joy of creating that I’m after, and I’m allowing myself to trust that it’s okay if it’s not linear or doesn’t fit the plans I’d already made.
I’m starting 2020 by following my inner guidance and giving space to this change that’s asking to be made. Our newsletter will take a brief hiatus during that time. I’m thinking of it like a creative mini-sabbatical. It will be my time to filter out all the pushing and efforting and admire inspiration for its clarity. I can’t wait to share my discoveries with you when I return.
What possibilities do you see before you?
There is a part of you that knows how to dream. It is curious and hopeful, and it remembers what you may have forgotten about how you intend to spend your life. As you head into the new year, what can you do to nurture this part of you and all the possibilities it sees?
Wherever you’ve been this year, take a moment for thanks and insight.
Wherever you’re headed, go there filled with the wonder of wide-open possibility. Mind your energy. And have fun!
If you’d like a little support along the way, I have two free resources for you. They’re perfect for new beginnings:
Clear Yesterday, Clear Tomorrow bundle. Use this bundle to reflect on where you’ve been to move into tomorrow clear and aligned with your heart. It includes the Clear Yesterday, Clear Tomorrow worksheet straight from the pages of Clarity and the Love & Blessings for an Extraordinary Life audio recording to inspire your beautiful heart.
From Fear to Courage free mini course. This bite-sized class shows you how to transform fears into courage, define your unique brand of authentic living, and feel good about facing your fears – even if you’ve been putting it off for years. Over 1,700 people have taken the course and found the courage inside of them.
They’re always available and always free. I hope they serve you well.
Thank you for showing up every day. May you travel this next year in peace, love, and joy.
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