On the eve of the new year, he stood on his balcony, leaning over just enough to feel it arrive. The promise and forgiveness of the night embraced him. He pictured the aches and worries of the last 12 months scatter in the winter wind and fly away. Only their lessons remained. He listened to the…
Something to tide you over through the doubt. (To rooting for goodness.)
Children run and shout outside my house. Bruised knees and sticky hands speak of good sweat and endless summers. Children look out from the tv screen with fear and hunger in their eyes. Some have no shoes, no parents. Some have innocence in them yet. She sings an aria onstage. Her elegant gown sparkles…
This is our story of love and fortitude. (I can’t believe I get to live it.)
I remember how warm his hand felt wrapped around mine. How safe it made me feel as we crossed the Dublin streets. I remember the way we laughed until we cried as the piano solo began. Front row, center, we tried to hold it in but only laughed harder. I remember the joy and innocence…
Open, open, open…you will be soft wonderment. 🌱
They knew her as Dream Girl, Child of Awe. She lived in the fields just outside town. Gardens surrounded her home, and beyond that a wall with a great door. You could find her balancing atop the wall, listening. Her bare feet felt for familiar stones, ruddy cheeks turned toward the sky. “Feel how soft…
Let it all drop 🍃
Once, I was a falcon, or at least I tried to be. Fast and focused, I was quick to act, quick to think, never a moment wasted. I wanted to fly the farthest and be the most ruthless. I carried with me always a sense of urgency, as if to say, “Look how much I…
For the serenity, love, and grace in you.
Serenity, Love, and Grace are my oldest friends. Before I knew their names or understood the magnitude of their tender power, I felt the peace and strength their presence gave. These dear, old friends taught me the art of looking and listening inward. In watchful stillness, they stand sentinel over me today, waving me back…
Love what you love, small as it may be (and shine that love on the world)
It’s the little things that can sink me, but it’s the little things that save me, too. Little, fleeting things, details and outcomes and misunderstandings can make me feel so small, almost as much as the big things do. When I look at what I’ve torn or chipped, stained, spilled, or burned underneath, it’s easy to see the worst in…
This is what I trust above all else
Love yourself, come what may. When it comes to suffering and healing, this is the path I trust above all else. It’s the foundation of my writing, the first step in my clinical work, and the lesson I keep learning myself. If it were that easy, I’d leave it at that. Love yourself, come what…
They say there’s a reason we’re here
They say the stars have consciousness. Do you think they dream? And what of? Do they search for us in the sky to wish upon? I wonder how many of our midnight confessions they’re keeping secret. They say the trees talk to each other. Do they dance together in the monsoon? And do they tell…
The Love That Sustains You
Standing on the corner of a busy city street, a quarter caught his eye. He bent to pick it up as people rushed past. “Drums!” he exclaimed as he turned the quarter over and found a drummer boy standing in the eagle’s place. He pressed the quarter into his palm and smiled at a passerby. All…